In-Person, Online and Pet Online Consultations are available at the moment
Consultations – What to expect
People of all ages and abilities can benefit from Kinesiology and PSYCH-K®. Diane has worked with expectant mums, babies, children, the elderly and with people of varying abilities. For babies and young children Diane works with Mum or Dad.
Generally, a consultation or ‘balance’ as it is commonly known, involves initial discussion with Diane to clarify the problem and define the goal/s you wish to achieve. It will generally involve laying clothed on a massage table, but if this is not possible, sitting or standing is just as effective. Diane will then use gentle biofeedback muscle testing to detect imbalances in your systems and the preferred therapy techniques required for harmony and goal fulfilment.
Diane uses a variety of gentle and effective therapeutic techniques depending on what you and your body require emotionally, physically and mentally etc. Techniques are drawn from different disciplines: Chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, Reflexology, Massage and manual therapies, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Nutrition, PSYCH-K® and other natural therapies.
Throughout the session you will be involved in discussion with Diane to clarify the key factors contributing to your issues, gain wonderful insights and understanding about yourself and your body, contribute to your healing process and appreciate the purpose of the techniques being used. You will nearly always have take-home strategies to help you and your body integrate, support and reinforce the changes that you and your body have taken on during the session.
The benefits from a Kinesiology and PSYCH-K ® session are often subtle and profound and can be felt immediately or unfold over a period of days, weeks or months. This depends on how complex the issues are and for how long you have been dealing with them. Some of Diane’s clients share their experiences:
The sessions have vastly improved my life, resolving health and other problems and leaving me with far more confidence and faith in life. I was able to get solutions to some chronic problems that have been plaguing me for over six years!
I don’t know what Diane did, but it seemed to work because I feel better, more relaxed and freer.
The Kinesiology and PSYCH-K® protocols honour your unique individuality and circumstances. As no two people are the same, no two sessions are the same. The processes and therapy techniques used for you will bring about the best possible outcomes for your healing and fulfilment.
You can expect to be treated with integrity, care and respect.
Bookings can be made with the online booking app: Bookings
In-Person Kinesiology and PSYCH-K Consultations
- 1.5 hour consultation: $160
- Concessions for people on Government Benefits and children under 18 years: $130
Online consultations
Want to do an online consultation from your own home?
Effective online consultations are available using Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp.
- 1.5 hours consultations – AUD $130 (shorter sessions are available)
- Concessions for people on Government Benefits and children under 18 years – $110
See Online Consultation Client Reviews
Pet – Online consultations
Do you have a mammal pet that is in need of health and wellbeing support?
Effective online pet consultations are available using Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp.
- 1.5 hours consultations – AUD $110 (shorter sessions are available)
- Concessions for pet owners on Government Benefits – $90
See Owner Pet Consultation Reviews
For more information contact Diane