Hi, I am Diane Poole and welcome to my Canberra Kinesiology website.In-Person appointments are available and, with the present COVID/Flu situations, online consultations are also available if you wish. They are very effective at improving your health and wellbeing.
Read: Client Online Consultation Reviews or contact me for more information.With over 26 years of experience in Kinesiology and more recently PSYCH-K™ I have seen many people, of all ages and life issues, make the most amazing improvements in their health and happiness. These wonderful therapies help you overcome limiting mind and body conditioning, beliefs and behaviours that seem to sabotage your ability to heal, achieve your goals and be happy.I am passionate about helping people understand and connect with their innate and unique potential for healing, happiness and success in all areas of their life and I would be delighted to help you.The website has lots of information, so please explore. If you have further questions please feel free to contact me.Wellbeing All-ways Diane
Diane is a very experienced Registered Level 5 Kinesiologist, PSYCH-K™ Facilitator and Certified K-Power Instructor. She brings understanding, compassion and insight to her consultations and workshops drawing on her valuable life experiences and wisdom.Diane has practitioner skills of the highest quality, always with respect and empathy towards her clients. I confidently recommend Diane.
Maureen Bell R.N. R.M. D.N.E