Therapy techniques
Therapy Techniques Used
There are a comprehensive range of Kinesiology techniques Diane uses to bring the body’s energy back into balance. These techniques are gentle, non-invasive and safe, including:
- meridian and acupressure points
- muscle balancing and stimulation
- neuro lymphatic massage and balancing
- vascular and vertebral neuro reflex points
- cranial balancing
- reflexology
- rapid eye movement (REM)
- emotional and mental stress diffusion
- sound and/or colour therapy
- neuro linguistic programming(NLP)
- guided imagery
- affirmation work
- flower essences and vibrational remedies
- essential oils – aromatherapy
- limiting thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes reset
- positive behaviour and thinking strategies
- self-sabotaging pattern release
- past stress clearing
- food/chemical intolerance and sensitivity balancing
- ongoing care and support
- change management
- homeopathic/herbal
- nutritional support
If you are still not sure whether Kinesiology can help you or if you have any questions please feel free to contact Diane for assistance.